Friday, April 29, 2011

HOW TO MAKE Lavender water

This recipe makes a beautiful spray that can be lightly applied to linen before ironing. I also like to spray a little on my face to refresh my skin, or brush into my hair when styling.

1/4 teaspoon pure lavender essential oil
40 ml vodka
2 cups demineralized water

1. Combine the lavender essential oil with the vodka in a clean and dry jar. Replace cap and leave for 24 hours.
2. Add water and shake lightly to combine.

Additional, for presentation I have cut a circle of purple paper and glued dried lavender flowers onto the front. This tag was then attacked with a purple ribbon. For another nice gift idea wrap lavender soap (I purchased this soap from my local market) in matching ribbon.

This recipe is very easy and came be stored for long periods of time. If you want to make your lavender water from scratch, using fresh or dried lavender flowers, it will not last as long became the vegetable matter will eventually begin to rot. The vodka helps to stop this process and is successful when mixed with essential oil, but less so when mixed with fresh flowers.